Mini-HAWKs, J-ALFIN, MUDEHaR and North-PHASE have been chosen for their "legacy" character to use the 3,250 hours of observation time offered by CEFCA in the next five years.
The aluminizing vacuum chamber and the cleaning unit for the maintenance of JST250 and JAST80 telescope's mirrors arrived yesterday at the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ). The chamber has been designed by CEFCA and Vacuum Technology Associates Inc, DYNAVAC (Boston, United States), responsible for its manufacture.

Final Acceptance of JST250 telescope

2016-02-10 16:15 all telescopes jst250

Optical fine tuning of the system during Final Acceptance tests provides images of 0.15” FWHM using “lucky imaging” techniques

CEFCA has proceeded with the final acceptance of the JST250 telescope installed at the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre after carrying out additional tests with the verification camera in order to test proper operation of the telescope.

Achieved images of 0.33” PSF with “lucky imaging” techniques

Last September 2015, the JST250 telescope at the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre passed successfully the Provisional Acceptance test review. This milestone represents a big step forward for the completion of the project, only pending the Final Acceptance tests that shall be completed in the next weeks.

The scientific instrument for the JAST80 telescope, T80Cam, has been successfully installed at the Cassegrain focus of the JAST80 telescope of the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (CEFCA).

First Light for the JST250 Telescope

2014-10-03 09:43 all telescopes jst250
In September 25th, at 22:57h Local Time, the Javalambre Survey Telescope (JST250) achieved engineering first light. This is a very important milestone in the project since it is the first time that photons from the Universe, in this case coming from the Polaris star, have gone through the complete optical system of the telescope as it was designed.

JST/T50 Telescope Completely Integrated

2014-09-03 09:00 all telescopes jst250
JST / T250 telescope of the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ) was completely integrated on September 2, 2014. The integration of the telescope with the final optical elements was made after a previous test phase in which the mechanical and control parts of the telescope were verified with dummies instead of the real optical elements.
The assembly of the main telescope of the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ) is one of the most important milestones of the project. The first structural pieces of the JST / T250 arrived last month, and now they have begun to settle in the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre.

JST250 telescope dome installed

2013-08-29 18:00 all telescopes jst250
The dome of the building that will contain the JST / T250 telescope of the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre has been installed this week. This operation was done once the performance and sealing tests were successfully conducted.

JST250 telescope passes the first exam

2012-12-21 15:45 all telescopes jst250
The JST250 telescope has passed the first test of general operation that was conducted this week at the headquarters of the Belgian company AMOS, responsible for the construction of the telescope. This is the first phase for the preliminary acceptance of the telescope.
Last week, CEFCA engineers moved to the Belgian company AMOS headquarters to discuss the final details of the final version of the control software of the telescope JST / T250. After the meetings, in which members of AMOS and of OSL company have participated, CEFCA engineers have given approval for the finalization of the software, which will be delivered to CEFCA in a few weeks.
The arrival of the telescope to the Pico del Buitre involves starting the night activities of the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (CEFCA's observatory). This is one of the most important milestones of the project.

JAST80 undergoes first factory tests

2012-03-08 10:34 all telescopes jast80
Last February, the factory integration phase of the JAST80 telescope of the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (CEFCA) was completed. The telescope is assembled at Bamberg (Germany) where it is currently being tested with dummy optics. Preliminary tests show that the telescope can move with a velocity of up to 40 degrees per second, which makes T80 one of the worldwide fastest telescopes.
Towards the end of October, AMOS, the Belgian company responsible for the construction of the telescopes for the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ), started the manufacturing of the main mechanical parts of the JST250. The construction of the telescope, to be installed at the OAJ by mid 2012, is currently on schedule and its main structure is expected to be erected at the Belgian plant by January.
The brazilian partners of the Javalambre Physics of the Accelerated Universe Astrophysical Survey (J-PAS) collaboration, will put an identical replica of the OAJ JAST80 telescope of the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (CEFCA's observatory) in the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO), in Chile.
On September 16th 2011, the dome of the JAST80 telescope arrived at the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (CEFCA's observatory). The dome, the final design of which was approved last January, has been manufactured by Ash-Dome (Illinois, USA) in galvanized steel and holds winds up to 250 Km/h.
The Final Design Review of the JST250, the main telescope which will be instaled at the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre, has been held at the new headquarters of the CEFCA during March 3rd and 4th. thickness of 250 mm. The inner hole, necessary for the light beam reaching the Cassegrain focus after being reflected in the secondary mirror, has a diameter of nearly 1010 mm.
In December 15th, CEFCA personnel visited AMOS headquarters in Liege (Belgium) to attend the Design Review meeting of the Javalambre JAST80 telescope. During this visit they had the opportunity to see in situ, at AMOS shops, the progress in the grinding and polishing processes of the two primary mirrors of the OAJ telescopes.
The M1 blank has been manufactured by the german company SCHOTT AG. It is made of ZERODUR, a glass ceramic with nearly null thermal expansion, commonly used for telescope mirrors and other engineering projects which require of using high accuracy not deformable surfaces. It weights 2366 kg and has an outer diameter of 2640 mm.
JST250, the largest telescope at the Observatorio Astrofísico deJavalambre, successfully passed the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) on October 27th 2010. The Final Design Review is expected to take place at the beginning of March 2011.