CEFCA hosts the JST250 Final Design Review meeting

2011-03-04 18:12
CEFCA hosts the JST250 Final Design Review meeting

CEFCA hosts the JST250 Final Design Review meeting

The Final Design Review of the JST250, the main telescope which will be instaled at the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre, has been held at the new headquarters of the CEFCA during March 3rd and 4th. thickness of 250 mm. The inner hole, necessary for the light beam reaching the Cassegrain focus after being reflected in the secondary mirror, has a diameter of nearly 1010 mm.

The Final Design Review (FDR) committe is consttuted by an international team of experts in telescopes, astronomical instrumentation and astrophysics: Jesús González (UNAM, Mexico; chair of the committee), Bernard Delabre (ESO, Germany), Keith Taylor (Univ. Sao Paulo, Brazil), Josefina Rosich (IAC, Spain), Jordi Cepa (IAC, Spain), Vicente Sánchez (IAC, Spain) and Javier Cenarro (CEFCA, Spain). Five engineers from AMOS, the belgian company in charge of the design and construction of the OAJ telescopes, attended the meeting to present the status of the current design, its performances and the expected schedule.