CEFCA, responsible for the construction and operation of the telescope and the instrumentation with which the survey is carried out, also leads the scientific production

J-PLUS First Data Release

2018-07-17 11:30 all j-plus
The J-PLUS First Data Release amounts 1022 square degrees and includes scientific information of more than thirteen million of celestial objects, from asteroids to distant galaxies, including Milky Way stars.

J-PLUS Early Data Release

2017-09-29 09:45 all j-plus
CEFCA announces worldwide open access to the Early Data Release (EDR) of the Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey. This EDR consists of 18 J-PLUS pointings at different locations of the sky, observed in the twelve J-PLUS photometric optical bands, overall amounting to 36deg2. We provide access to the J-PLUS catalogues with photometric data in all the twelve bands for more than 400.000 astronomical objects, together with the actual FITS images and proper masks to avoid bright stars and other undesired areas.

J-PLUS started in November 2015

2015-12-02 16:15 all j-plus
After an intense period of fine tuning and optimization tasks developed by the OAJ/CEFCA Team, systematic observations with T80Cam@JAST80 have started. The telescope–camera system is in optimal performance, reaching normally seeing-limited images. So far, a best gaussian FWHM of 0.63”(+/-0.09”) over the 2deg2 focal plane of T80Cam has been recorded.
The twelve filters of the J-PLUS survey have been integrated into T80Cam, the scientific camera which is installed in the JAST80 telescope of the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre.